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27 September 2020
[applied] Foreign Affairs / East Legon Past Forward
EAST LEGON PAST FORWARD is a project investigating the spatial, socio-cultural, and migratory characteristics of Abotsiman, one of the few remaining grown neighbourhoods of East Legon, Accra, and the implications of urban transformation on it. East Legon Past Forward is a joint project between [applied] Foreign Affairs, Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna and Orthner Orthner & Associates (OOA). Baerbel Mueller, Juergen Strohmayer (Eds.)
26 September 2020
iheartblob – Augmented Architectural Objects A New Visual Language
iheartblob corroborates sharply-pointed, short-form architectural thought and criticism, tantalising imagery and augmented reality content. The Architectural Objects contained within both enchant as well as reflect on the crisis of thought plaguing architecture today by orchestrating new and established ideas as though they are materials, engaging seriously with each, whilst remaining at a distance from full immersion.
28 September 2019
dada - digital architectural design assertion
The ongoing introduction of digital design tools in the architectural profession does not only influence the architectural design product, but equally affects the underlying design process. A digital design process taking full advantage of the potential of digital design tools is different than a paper & pencil based design development process. This publication questions how the digital architectural design tools alter the education process of future architects. By Andrei Gheorghe
1 January 2018
150 Jahre Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
The book gives an account of the historical development from the Kunstgewerbeschule to today's "Angewandte." In a comprehensive presentation not only the diversity of all fields of study between architecture, design and fine art is visible, but also their future prospects.
15 December 2017
The exhibition AESTHETICS OF CHANGE: 150 Years of the University of Applied Arts Vienna runs until 15 April 2018!
29 September 2017
IoA Sliver Lecture Series 2017/18 invites graduates to share their POSITIONS
The Unfolding of Architectural Endeavours
27 September 2017
Sublime Bodies Book Presentation
The Book Sublimes Bodies presents itself as a collection of essays by Austrian Architects and educators Matias del Campo & Sandra Manninger outlining the driving forces behind the work of their practice SPAN.
18 September 2017
IoA Traveling Workshop Embodied Togetherness
The first IoA Traveling Workshop, titled “Embodied Togetherness“ took place on the Baltic seaside in Lithuania, September 10-18, 2017.
27 June 2017
Re: Futures
Studio Hani Rashid book launch!
12 April 2017
IoA Sliver Lecture Series "Architecture and Technology"
29 March 2017
AFA Book Launch
Investigating spatial phenomena in rural and urban Sub-Saharan Africa Begrüßung: Gerald Bast Podiumsdiskussion: Angelika Fitz, Lesley Lokko, Baerbel Mueller, Barbara Putz-Plecko [a]FA ist ein
7 March 2017
Innochain first year colloquium and research exhibition „Design Probes“ at Angewandte Innovation Laboratory Vienna