Angewandte Architecture Alumni Club


25 August 2022

forA on the Urban

forA is a project rendered possible by Die Angewandte (University of Applied Arts Vienna), conceptualized and produced by the Institute of Architecture (I oA), edited by Gerald Bast (Rector, University of Applied Arts Vienna), Andrea Börner (Urban Strategies Department, I oA), Cristina Díaz Moreno & Efrén García Grinda (Architectural Design Studio 1, I oA), and Baerbel Mueller (Applied Foreign Affairs Lab, I oA), supported by an international advisory board: Tom Avermaete, Margitta Buchert, Nerea Calvillo, Mario Carpo, Filip de Boeck, Keller Easterling, Teresa Galí-Izard, Mario Gandelsonas, Andrew Herscher, Sandi Hilal, Nikolaus Hirsch, Sanford Kwinter, Lesley Lokko, Mpho Matsipa, John McMorrough, Peter Mörtenböck, Helge Mooshammer, Alesandro Petti, Philippe Rekacewicz, Curtis Roth, Saskia Sassen, Abdoumaliq Simone, Ines Weizman, Liam Young. The first issue #0 aims to initiate the cyclical nature of the project in this initial phase by fostering a process of invited and openly addressed contributions reflected on a discursive online platform, compiled in a pilot issue of the journal, and was debated at the launching event in September during the 17th International Architecture Biennale in Venice. With regard to the openly declared interests in emerging topicalities and formats, the aim is to intentionally conflate contributions that address spatial entanglements, dialogues and processes and methods of articulations, without framing any particular subject or topic. Issue #0 rather aims to open up the field to provide rich material and thought for further exploration in subsequent issues. Edited by Gerald Bast, Andrea Börner, Cristina Díaz Moreno & Efrén García Grinda and Baerbel Mueller