16 October 2016
Book launch "Studio Wolf D. Prix 1990-2011"
Studio Prix - University of Applied Arts Vienna 1990-2011 Eds: Institute of Architecture, Klaus Bollinger, Roswitha Janowski-Fritsch, Anja Jonkhans, Baerbel Mueller Edition Angewandte, Birkhäuser
Studio Prix - University of Applied Arts Vienna 1990-2011
Eds: Institute of Architecture, Klaus Bollinger, Roswitha Janowski-Fritsch, Anja Jonkhans, Baerbel MuellerEdition Angewandte, Birkhäuser Basel
Date: October 11, 2016, 8 pmVenue: OFF IS, Traungasse 12, 1030 Vienna
Welcome: Gerald Bast, Rector University of Applied Arts Vienna
Klaus Bollinger, Dean Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Laudatio: Marie-Therese Harnoncourt, the next ENTERprise architects Hannes Stiefel, Stiefel & Company Architects
Thanks by Wolf D. Prix in remembrance of Reiner Zettl
Presented by Anna Paul Stürzenbecher and Quirin KrumbholzMusic by Rupert Zallmann; Visuals by Daniel Kerbler
Wolf D. Prix, founder of Coop Himmelb(l)au was more than 20 years head of Studio Prix at the Angewandte in Vienna. His architectural visions shaped the studio with radical concepts, high profile strategies and right from the beginning enabled students to develop projects for the world of the future.
Studio Prix was a creative cluster with intense teaching. This publication contains a selection of projects and diploma works of students as well as statements of international friends like Hitoshi Abe, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Klaus Bollinger, Chris Bangle, Aaron Betsky, Mario Coyula-Cowley, Gregor Eichinger, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Catherine Ingraham, Bettina Götz, Lars Lerup, Greg Lynn, Thom Mayne, Eric Owen Moss, Peter Noever, Carl Pruscha, Hani Rashid, Michael Rotondi, Patrik Schumacher, Peter Sellars, Lebbeus Woods as well as teaching staff and theoreticians such as Günther Feuerstein, Sanford Kwinter, Hans Ulrich Reck and Christian Reder.